Gluteus Medius Exercises – Survey – Backup Awesome! Just 1 More Step… Please answer the questions below so I can learn more about your goals. Your email address: Are you a male or female? Male Female What is your age group? I am in my 20’s I am in my 30’s I am in my 40’s I am in my 50’s I am in my 60’s I am in my 70’s or older Are you a health professional? Yes No What is your main health & fitness goal? Lose Weight/Fat or Get In Shape Get Stronger or Build Muscle Overcoming Current Injuries Longevity, Safe Training and Energy What pain or injury do you need help with? (choose one or more): Neck Pain Shoulder Pain Elbow Pain Wrist & Hand Pain Back Pain Hip Pain Knee Pain Foot & Ankle Pain Do you have any health concerns? Do you have/are you concerned about Diabetes? (CHECK IF APPLIES) Do you have/are you concerned about Alzheimer’s? (CHECK IF APPLIES) Do you have/are you concerned about Heart Disease? (CHECK IF APPLIES) Do you have/are you concerned about Muscle Pain? (CHECK IF APPLIES) Do you have/are you concerned about Vision Health? (CHECK IF APPLIES) Do you have/are you concerned about Joint Pain? (CHECK IF APPLIES) Where do you live? USA Canada Europe Mexico Central or South America Australia or Surrounding Area Asia or Africa Now Click the “DOWNLOAD MY PROGRAM NOW” below to get your program…